Sunday, May 23, 2010

Almost a month old??

Already? Wow where did the time go?? Sleep must have joined too because i'm missing both!

Next week Ethan will be one month old and wow, has it been a roughest but greatest month ever! He's doing great though, we just started a new schedule a few nights ago. At 8pm, we give him his bath, then lotion him up, book, eat, then rock to sleep and put him in his bassinet. So far it's been really successful! We haven't had trouble getting him to sleep once! Keeping him asleep though is a totally different story :)

Taken at the hospital..

Sponge bath! This was obviously before his cord came fell off about a week and a half ago..

He's not really a fan of the swing yet..

His first "real" bath

He LOOOVES his baby einstein play gym

My birth story..

I had my baby!!! Ethan Dylan finally decided to grace us with his presence :) Here's my birth story:

At around 9pm on April 28th (the night of the full moon) I started having some mild contractions. I honestly didn't think anything of it and went to bed. I continued having them all night about 20 minutes apart. That morning I told hubby not to go to work because I thought this might be the real deal.

Around noon my contractions were about 5 minutes apart and we started getting ready for the hospital. At this point I still didn't think it was the real thing but then again, I didn't want to get my hopes up too much either! We got to the hospital and I was still fairly calm about everything. The nurse checked me and said I was 6cm! I was completely shocked. Even the nurse said she was amazed at how calm I was and she had even gotten my discharge papers ready because she was convinced she was sending me home.

They admitted me to the hospital and Josh and I walked around for about 2-3 hours. They checked me and I hadn't progressed at all and they started me on Pitocin and the midwife (because my doc was still on vacation) broke my water. I was slightly bummed because I wanted to go all natural. Once the Pit kicked in really strong the contractions were HORRIBLE...and I mean yank out my teeth with pliers horrible. I finally gave into the epidural when I was a good 8cm.

I pushed for an hour and 18 minutes and finally got his gigantic head out! Josh was right there next to me the whole time and had to hold one of my legs while I was pushing

Ethan Dylan came into the world at 10:28pm on April 29th weighing 8lbs 1oz and was 21 inches long.

This picture makes me laugh..look at how grumpy he is!!