Saturday, April 3, 2010

36 Weeks!!!!!

One more week until i'm full term! :) I'm a lot more tired these days it seems (having just woken up from a nice nap)and it hurts a lot more to walk. It feels like my hips are going to fall off. Aaand baby is starting to kung fu my belly more. I swear, sometimes it feels like he's going to bust out of my skin!


  1. Oh I feel your aches and pains! Devin was 9 lbs 11 oz and a week late...I felt like I was carrying around a baby elephant and didn't know if I'd ever see my feet again ;) hang in there!

  2. That's exactly how I feel!! At this point it seems like i'm going to be pregnant forever..but I know there's the light at the end of the tunnel :)
